Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pottery 1 Warm Up 10-5 and 10-6

We read an article by artist Nermin Kura and answered questions in the class.
Please pick up the article and reading guide if you were absent or did not complete the work in class or read the article here:  Note: This takes a bit of time to load.

Here is her website:
Visit this site to see more of her work:

Her Artist's Statement:
Nermin states:
My work consists of coil built vessels, largely inspired from forms in the botanical world. I explore concepts such as containment, embodiment, fullness, and inner pressures, as well as connections between inner and outer realms. My preference for organic forms such as flowers, fruit and seed pods, is the result of a desire to initiate contemplation on a specific type of contained space; one where life consituting energies originate. The question of the occurrence of life and its embodiment, in other words, "the shae of life" is a matter of great intrigue to me. I question this phenomenon, through the intermediary of imagery combining botanical, organic and anthropomorphic elements. I work with a symbolic and metaphorical language that aims to reflect not only on the mysteries of nature as a cultural construct, but also on mankind’s complex relationship to the natural world. I am particularly interested in the conceptual quality of botanical imagery used extensively in the Islamic Arts, where ornament and symbol often become one.

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